Sickness and death come for everyone in this age. The plague seeps from the earth, corrupting those it touches, draining their life. The false prophet of healing, Omen, promises salvation to the infected, but it comes at the great price of blind subservience. Those who joined him out of desperation are no longer themselves and now roam the land mindlessly, immune to the plague, but spreading it to those few who remain. 

Driving more into Omen's false embrace.

You understand that the false prophet needs to be put down. This harbinger of the Black Death and his evil magics must be stopped before all in the land either suffer through painful death or loss of will.

With Needle, Shotbow, and the power of the Olive Branch in your hands, you descend into the tunnels. The lost and damned hordes of the Plague Rats wait for you there, an army standing between you and Omen. One mistake, and the plague will have you in its loathsome grips, sapping away at your essence; the last mistake you would ever make.

But if you don't get through them, if you don't get to that foul plague spreading warlock, who else will? It is your duty to rid the world of his evil. And it is your duty to return alive, so you may help the world may thrive again.

Good luck.



Warning - Using the execution on enemies breaks the enemy waves and you will be stuck!

MovementWASD + Mouse Look
Shoot WeaponRight Mouse Click
Change Weapon1
Dash Shift
Execute EnemyQ (use only in boss stage for best experience)



Z - level models and textures, VFX
Bronwynn - sprite and UI art, sound and music
GyD Geza - programming
SwenDev - programming

Made with unity
Extra credit to


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It looks kinda nice, but is there anything to do besides that single room you start in?

If you defeat all ten enemy waves, You should be taken to a second stage involving a boss fight.

It is an unfortunate bug that using the execution messes with the enemy wave spawner and gets you stuck in the first room, so I advise against using it if you would like to see the second stage, haha.

Al in all, this was a weeklong jam game so there is not much else to it, but for our first unity project I think we did good :)

Oh most definitely, it looks really good for such a short project, especially when it's your first one! I was just wondering if I was missing any progression, turns out I was :-)

(1 edit)

Well the game was amazing i just saw a little problem when your life is 0 you don't die you can still shoot enemys. Also the game is amazing !!! :D